Ben 10 Galactic Racing

 Galactic Racing presents the ultimate racing experience Ben 10 Galactic Racing


Ben 10 Galactic Racing








BEN 10 Galactic Racing presents the ultimate racing experience! While Ben makes use of his Ultimatrix to transform into his alien forms mid-race, every other character utilizes their unique special abilities, based on powers straight out of the television series, to affect the outcome of each race. All characters can pick up special Omni-Node Power-Ups with varying alien-based abilities, including an Ultimate move that unleashes a super-charged, race-changing boost of speed and power that is themed to that character’s abilities. Players will race with or against friends in any of the various game modes. They can also win trophies in each of the Galactic Grand Prix circuits, or they can race their favorite tracks in an attempt to set record-breaking times in Time Trials mode.


Ben 10 Galactic Racing - USA - Format: NoNpDrm - Game ID: PCSE00024

Ben 10 Galactic Racing - USA - Format: MaiDump - Game ID: PCSE00024


Guide Install Format : NoNpDrm

  1. Guide Install NoNpDrm Plugin PSVITA – Click Here

  2. Guide Install Game NoNpDrm PSVITA – Cick Here

Note: Send NoNpDrm format content to (If you do not have the folder then create new)

– File GAME (Folder “App”) place them in:   “ux0:app”

– File DLC (Folder “Addcont”) place them in:   “ux0:addcont/[GameID]/[DLCFolder]

Directory and the needed licenses on the “ux0:license/addcont/[GameID]/[DLCFolder]” directory of your console.

– File UPDATE (Folder “Patch”) place them in:   “ux0:patch/[GameID]”

Guide Install Format : MaiDump

  1. Guide Install Game  MaiDumpTool PSVITA – Click Here

  2. Guide Install DLC & Updates MaiDumpTool PSVITA – Click Here

Guide Connect PS Vita to PC

Using FTP (Guide Here) or USB (Video Guide  +  VitaShell)

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