Based on the smash-hit animated show, Phineas and Ferb bring their unique blend of fun, laughter and chaos to PS Vita system in an exclusive new adventure, written and produced in collaboration with Disney.
In Phineas and Ferb: Day of Doofenshmirtz, the bumbling evil genius Doctor Doofenshmirtz has created a laser beam that turns home appliances into troops for his own robot army! Phineas and Ferb must battle Doctor Doofenshmirtz and his minions of menacing microwaves, deadly washer-dryers, and other mobs of machines to save the city of Danville. Play as Phineas, Ferb and Perry as you enjoy an action-packed, puzzle-filled quest, specially designed for the handheld systems innovative features and controls
Phineas and Ferb Day of Doofenshmirtz - EUR - Format: MaiDump - Game ID: PCSF00718